Woodhaven Blvd SBS Proposal
Community Meets with DOT to Discuss
flooded the American Legion to meet with representatives from the
Department of Transportation to discuss the proposed Select Bus Service
on Woodhaven Boulevard, which would remove one lane of vehicle traffic
in either direction.
We Are One
Community Responds to Flag Burning
Thanksgiving morning, a coward burned the religious flags of a family
on 80th Street. In response, members of the community gathered to say
that We Are One.
Woodhaven Welcomes Santa
Annual Santa Parade A Smash Hit
by the Woodhaven BID, the annual Santa parade through Woodhaven is a
beloved local tradition. This year, the Woodhaven Historical Society
and the STA History Club joined the party!
Woodhaven Town Hall - November
Community Gathers to Discuss Issues
WRBA hosts a Town Hall meeting once a month to discuss issues that
impact us. In November we received a reoprt from the 102 and discussed
the SBS proposal.
Working as a Team!
Clearing out a HUGE Woodpile & Leaves
as a team, the Woodhaven Historical Society and volunteers from the
community gathered to remove a giant pile of wood that had been growing
since last July. Then, there were a bunch of leaves to remove before
inviting the neighborhood to visit.
Woodhaven Walkabout Vol. 3
A July Walkaround Woodhaven
time we walked through the park, deep into the woods - and we had a
show at the bandshell to catch later on! Unfortunately, we got a little
lost in the woods. Will we make the show?
Painting the Town Blue
WRBA Raises Money for NYFAC
a hot summer day, the WRBA painted over graffiti on mailboxes and based
on pledges from residents, raised over $1000 for NY Families Against
Cemetery - Year One
What a Difference !!
the past year the Woodhaven Historical Society and volunteers from the
community including the STA History Club have turned this piece of land
from an overgrown eyesore to something beautiful!
Woodhaven Walkabout Vol. 2
Camera's Busy Taking Pics of Woodhaven
was another hot day and we hit the streets, look for some interesting
things to take pictures of. We walked through the park and Jamaica
Avenue in search of the odd and unexpected - and we found it.
Quality of Life, SBS Discussed
Noise and Transportation Topics at Meeting
came out on a wet, hot Saturday morning to discuss the issues that are
on their minds - and the quality of life issues and proposed Select Bus
Service on Woodhaven Boulevard were the top topics of the day.
The Show Must Go On!
Impromptu Show Replaces Beatlemania
to the weather, the scheduled show at the bandshell - Beatlemania - was
cancelled. But a lot of people didn't get the word and turned up
looking for a show - and thanks to a few brave souls, a show they did
Woodhaven Walkabout
Taking Pics On A Nice Day
had been a few weeks since we were out walking in the neighborhood, so
we took to the streets with our new camera and took some new pictures,
mostly along Park Lane South - but a few on Jamaica Avenue.
Cemetery Cleanup Underway
2nd Saturday Every Month
the 2nd Saturday of every month, residents and volunteer groups in
Woodhaven gather at historic Wyckoff-Snedicker Family Cemetery to take
part in the ongoing restoration of this 1700s cemetery. Next cleanup: July 11th - 96th St and 86th Avenue.
Woodhaven Town Hall
Issues Discussed At Monthly Meeting
and zoning were the two topics of conversation at the latest meeting of
the Woodhaven Residents' Block Association. The next meeting is 10 AM
on Saturday July 18 at Emanuel Unitedd Church of Christ (91 Ave and
Woodhaven Blvd).
Carousel Rebuilt
NYC Landmarks gets facelift
the winter, the Forest Park Carousel was taken apart, piece by piece -
and put back together! The Woodhaven Cultural & Historical Society
(Project Woodhaven) was invited to document the process, and here is
our report.
Thank You!
Woodhaven Historical Thanks STA Students
all of their hard work on the various history projects, the Woodhaven
Cultural & Historical Society treated the students of St. Thomas
the Apostle's Woodhaven History Club to lunch at one of Woodhaven's
historic legends - Neir's tavern!
Annual Parade Thru Woodhaven
they have since the 1950s (when it was called Rich-Haven) WORKS Little
league marched through Woodhaven to herald the arrival of a new season.
And this year's parade ended up at the Forest Park Carousel, where they
were treated to complimentary rides!
Madeline's Exhibit at Resorts
Woodhaven Paintings On Display
Madeline Lovallo, well known for her painting of Lewis of Woodhaven as
well as other paintings around Woodhaven and South Queens, had her work
exhibited at Resorts Casino and we were there for the opening.
The Last Snow of Winter
Good Riddance!
was a rough winter - one we'll all be glad to see the back of. Here's a
last look at the last snow of the winter of 2014-15 - we hope it'll be
a long time before we have another winter like this one!
Woodhaven Diaper Derby
Memories of Baby Race at American Legion
a brief look back at the fun days of Diaper Derbies at American Legion
Post 118 - but this one comes with a very surprising Woodhaven-twist,
one that will make you smile.
Woodhaven Walkabout Part 1
Woodhaven Walkabout Part 2
Having Fun Walking Thru Forest Park
along on a pair of walks in Forest Park where you'll see some things
you never saw before - a staircase that goes nowhere, magnificent views
of Queens and Brooklyn (and NYC), and much more.
Cemetery Looking Sharp!
CM Ulrich & Staff Join In The Fun
5 months, we are now really starting to see some noticeable difference
in the historic cemetery tucked away on 96th Street behind All Saints
Church. CM Eric Ulrich stopped by with his staff to help us with this
month's cleanup, which took place on a chilly Saturday morning.
Just a Light Coat, Please
Woodhaven Gets a Nice Dusting
know there's a long winter ahead of us - so maybe a little bit of snow
should be seen as a warning, not something to celebrate. But it
does look really nice when we get a dusting of snow and we took a nice
walk around Woodhaven with our camera to prove it.
Miss Judy Remembered
Beloved Resident Passes Away
are sorry to pass along the news that Miss Judy Graves has passed away
after a long battle with cancer. Beloved for her work in the Mommy
& Me program, Miss Judy was a delightful person and will be missed.
We've updated this story about Miss Judy from 2009 - click inside to
learn more about this woman who was so very loved.
Dogs Suit Up For Fun
K9 Korral's Annual Event A Hit
Halloween, the K9 Korral Dog Run at Forest Park hosts a costume contest
for dogs. It is a fun event, and lots of fun - check out this update
for pics and video.
Bringing Cheer to Kids
ECCA's Annual Toy Run to Bayside
East Coast Car Association, as they have since 1999, brought cheer to
the children of St. Mary's Hospital for Children. Over the past 15
years, the organization has raised and donated over 125K. Click here
for some nice pics and video of the car run which started from the
Forest Park Bandshell parking Lot.
Spending a Million Bucks
2nd Round of Participatory Budgeting
from Woodhaven gathered to brainstorm on ideas for the 2nd round of
Participatory Budgeting - where the citizens get to decide how 1
Million Dollars will be spent. This also doubled as our monthly Town
Hall meeting so we received updates from the 102 and our elected reps.
Finding The Willard
Renovations Reveal Classic Theater
Woodhaven Manor (formerly Le Cordon Bleu) is undergoing some major
external renovations - and as a result, a classic bit of Woodhaven
history was revealed - the Loew's Willard Theater.
Benny The Garbologist ~ RIP
Woodhaven's Benny Passes Away
are saddened to learn that Benny Villanova, aka Benny The Garbologist,
has passed away. He was, as the saying goes, one-of-a-kind. If you have
ever seen the peace sign on Park Lane South in the park, that was
Benny's handiwork. As a tribute, we present a small feature we did on
Benny back in 2009. Bonus: Click here for a New York Times story on Benny from 2010.
Businesses Support Woodhaven
Please Show Them Support In Kind
year, the Woodhaven Residents' Block Association prints a journal for
its dinner dance / fundraiser - the business that take ads out in this
journal support the community of Woodhaven - we ask all residents to
look through this booklet and remember the businesses that showed
support for our community and turn around and support them in return!
And, please, tell them you saw their ad in our journal!
Fall Harvest A Big Hit
2nd Annual Fall Harvest Draws Huge Crowd
2nd annual Fall Harvest at Victory Field, sponsored by CM Eric Ulrich,
was a smash success drawing long lines of people who had a great time
at this free event - rides were free, face painting, pumpkin patch,
wall climbing, live shows, etc. All free!
Woodhaven Celebrates!
Sold Out Event Celebrates Past & Future
annual celebration of the Woodhaven Residents' Block Association,
celebrating a full year of hard work - and honoring the people that
have made, and continue to make, Woodhaven a great community.
Cleaning Up!
Program Will Wipe The Walls Clean
Eric Ulrich recently anounced a 25K program to clean graffiti in our
community and held a demonstration of the methods used to clean
graffiti off of brick walls in our community.
Blessing the Pets
Furry Friends Come In From The Rain
annual Blessing of the Pets ceremony at Emanuel United Church of Christ
is one of the earliest stories we covered - this is the 6th time we've
been to it, and it's one of our favorites. This year, it rained - and
the pets had a great time inside the church!
Disco At The Dome
Everyone Was Dancing In The Aisles
disco tribute group Disco Unlimited put on an electrifying show at the
Forest Park Bandshell - part of a free concert series brought to you by
The Forest Park Trust.
Night Out Against Crime
Annual Gathering Held in Richmond Hill
started in the 80s as a way to make neighborhoods safer has expanded
into a series of local gatherings across the nation. The 102nd
precinct's event was well-attended and people came out, made new
friends, and showed their support of law and order over crime.
Lewis' of Woodhaven Honored
To Be Inducted into Hall of Fame
Woodhaven Residents' Block Association has voted Lewis' of Woodhaven
into the Woodhaven Hall of Fame in a ceremony to be held on Friday,
October 10th at Roma View Catering. Tickets are $65 and includes full
buffet dinner, beer wine and soda.
Historic Cemetery Cleanup
Cleanups Scheduled 2nd Sat of Every Month
Woodhaven Cultural & Historical Society and the St. Thomas the
Apostle Woodhaven History Club have partnered up with All Saints to
clean up our historic burial ground on 96th Street. Next cleanup
scheduled for Saturday, August 9th.
Woodhaven Thanks Our Vets
BBQ is a Smash Success
Nydia Velazquez was among the guests that came out to greet the
residents as they thanked the troops in the 1st annual barbecue to
thank our vets of American Legion Post 118.
Students Celebrate The Flag
Annual Salute to Flag a Touching Tribute
year, the students of St. Thomas the Apostle gather to salute the
American Flag through words and song. The younger students make their
own flag hats and they gather to say the pledge, sing the National
Anthem and other patriotic songs.
The Royals at the Carousel
WRBA Sponsored Team Wraps Up Season
members of the Woodhaven Residents Block Association chipped in a few
dollars to take the WRBA sponsored team in WORKS Little League to the
Forest Park Carousel to mark the end of the 2014 Season.
Bully Moms United
Event Held At Forest Park Dog Run
Moms United are a group of Pit Bull owners looking to educate the
public about the breed as well as raise money for sick pups and other
organizations that help pit bulls. They held a nice event at the dog
run in Forest Park and we were there.
American Legion Remembers
Observance Honors Past Members
Legion Post 118 held their traditional Memorial Day Observance outside
the Legion Hall in front of the Garden of Remembrance - it was a
beautiful ceremony honoring the past members of the post who are no
longer with us.
Woodhaven Represented!
Residents March in Forest Hills Parade
has been represented in the Memorial Day Parade in Forest Hills for
years, but the numbers had dwindled down to one marcher in recent years
- but we put out the call for marchers and made a nice showing this
Strack Pond - A Walkthrough
Named After PFC Laurence Strack
Pond in Forest Park was named after Private First Class Laurence
Strack, the first Woodhaven casualty in Vietnam. Strack used to play
for Rich-Haven and the ballfields at this location were named in his
honor. join us on a trip around the pond.
Keeping Woodhaven Clean!
Residents Gather to Clean Playground
of Woodhaven gathered at Mary Whalen Playground to help clean up
leaves, twigs, sticks and litter. Over 70 volunteers gathered 106 bags
in just 2 hours - and had a great time.
A Visit to a Historic Graveyard
STA Students Research Wcykoff-Snedicker
St. Thomas the Apostle History Club recently visited the historic
Colonial-Era Wyckoff-Snedicker Family Cemetery behind All Saint's on
96th Street. Click here to keep up-to-date with the STA History Club on Facebook.
Works Little League Parade 2014
Annual Parade Thru Woodhaven
Little league kicked off their 2014 season with their annual parade
through Woodhaven. This is a tradition that goes back to the 1950s but
due to track work, the parade was routed away from Woodhaven the past
few years. Was nice to see it back where it belongs: Woodhaven!
Woodhaven Town Hall: April
Visits from Ulrich, Addabbo
Senator Joe Addabbo gave us an update on the collapsed building and
Councilman Eric Ulrich spoke about Participatory Budgets at the April
meeting of the Woodhaven Residents' Block Association. There was also a
presentation by Circle Academy, the proposed new charter school in
Woodhaven. We were also joined by Miss Woodhaven, Nalicia Ramdyal.
Queens: Then & Now Slideshow
History Night At Historic Neir's Tavern
historian and author Jason Antos gave a presentation based on
his book Queens: Then & Now at neir's Tavern, an appearance
sponsored by the Woodhaven Historical Society. Some pics and
video inside. The WCHS will sponsor a slideshow entitled "A View
of Woodhaven" on April 21st at 7 PM at Neir's Tavern.
The Flag Is Now There
Famed Clocktower Regains a Flag
historic LaLance & Grosjean factory on Atlantic Avenue has been
without a flag for many years. But the efforts of one resident of
Ozone Park led to an American Flag being hoisted over our neighborhoods
in time for Veteran's Day.
It's Official!
Our Historic Carousel is Honored
was long overdue. But on Monday, October 28th, the NYC Landmarks
Preservation Commission formerly presented the Forest Park Carousel
with a plaque commemorating this historic honor.
Remembering Anniversary Day
of Brooklyn-Queens Day Explored
June 6th is brooklyn-Queens Day, a day off for many school children.
But its roots go back to the early 1800s and was a huge
celebration for nearly a century here in Woodhaven, a day known as
Anniversary Day.
Touring The Past Online
At Woodhaven's Past At Home
this update we look at 2 different ways you can look at Woodhaven's
past right from the comfort of your living room. In one, you
review old maps and aerial views of Woodhaven, and in the next you will
look through a collection of tax images. All in all a
new way to research Woodhaven's past.
Next Stop, Brooklyn Manor
Look At Woodhaven being Built
you ever heard of Brooklyn Manor? How about Woodhaven
There are lots of goodies in store for you in this latest update --
which started off with one of those amazing coincidences that just make
you shake your head. One of our favorite all-time updates --
you enjoy!
The Art of the Carousel
Closer Look At The Forest Carousel
in plain sight around the top of our Carousel is a series of paintings
that pay homage to the history of the Forest Park Carousel, Forest park
iteslf and the surrounding communities. Literally, a painted
tribute to Queens. We spotted these painting on our
last tour of our local jewel -- you
can see that tour here.
Are Covering 33% of Woodhaven -- 45 Block
Captains / 70 Blocks
Click The Map To See If Your Block Is
* * * * *