This one almost slipped past us. Sunday afternoon, we were on our way home, driving down Woodhaven Boulevard, when we saw a bunch of bikers roaring out of the park. Curiosity got the better of us cats, so we turned on to Forest Park Drive to see what was up. Plus, it was a beautiful day and we were headed to Forest Parkway anyway, so we decided to drive through the park. It's a good thing we did!
The first thing we noticed was a long line of cars parked along Forest Park Drive -- right from Woodhaven Boulevard to the bandshell parking lot and beyond. When you see that, it means one thing -- an event. But then we got to the parking lot, and one of the guards was waving us in -- and, to our surprise, the parking lot was almost entirely empty. And that means one thing -- that you missed the event. But we went in anyway.
The guard at the gate told us it was the "Bikers Against Breast Cancer" rally - and that it had started early that morning. By now, it was well after 4 PM and most of the bikers had left. He said that earlier, there had been over 400 bikes -- and now we were down to about 2 dozen.
We wish we had known about this event earlier -- would have been cool to see all those bikes. Here were two lonely bikes . . . Below left is the guard at the gate. And, at the right, is the sign they had out front. Interesting slogan :-) And finally, on the stage, there was a group playing. There were still a few dozen people here and there, listening. We found a spot in the shade and hung out for about 20 minutes. Here's some video of this band playing:
After we got home, we looked this event up on the `Net and found this ad. It's a shame it never showed up in Google -- or that we didn't hear about it -- we would have loved to have provided better coverage. But, for this year at least, this will have to do.
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