This Sunday, May 17th, The Forest Park Runners Club held their annual 4 mile race in Forest Park. It's a 3 surface race - track, trails, and asphalt. Our attention was drawn to this race by one group of participants, Team HcHugh, long time residents of Woodhaven, many of whom traveled long distance to visit their old home and participate in this year's run.
The skies were threatening to rain, but instead it delivered a damp, stiff breeze. There were lots of windbreakers and long pants in evidence.
Shortly before 10 AM the runners began to assemble along the wooded-side of the track. From there they would make a lap around the track and then out the gate, down the bicycle path, and into the woods. They got into position on the track and stood for Our National Anthem. I took a quick run onto the track to get this picture of the runners awaiting the start of the race. Then I ran off the track. That was the only running I did that day. Then they were off! It was a stampede as they took off, a rough 4 miles ahead of them. There was easily a few hundred runners from all over participating. Look how close I was getting - they nearly ran me over! And they kept coming. I noticed a few folks near the back of the pack taking it easy - I even saw a few that were walking. They were just participating for the fun of it. That's great - something to keep in mind. You don't have to be a world class runner to take part in the fun. Once they were past, I made my way over to the finish line where they had all sorts of awards and trophies laid out. We sat in the stands near the finish line, with the spectators, and awaited their return. And coming in first, with a time of 22:08 was Francisco Martinez, 39, from Jackson Heights. Congratulations Francisco! Finishing right on his heels in 2nd Place, with a time of 22:16, was Woodhaven's Ray Coyle, 17. This makes young Mr. Coyle Woodhaven's Champion. Congratulations Ray! Here were the McHugh Brothers, Mike and John, finishing 6th and 16th respectively. You can view all of the results for this race here. What was nice was how the runners who finished the race hung around to encourage and root on the others who were still running. Even though you are running as an individual, it really can be a team sport. Here is our video report of the events that day:
Then it was time to hand out the bling. Here is Mr. Martinez taking home his 1st Place trophy. And here is the winner of the 1st Place for Women, Karen Pompay of Garden City, NY who finished with a time of 26:27. Congratulations Karen! Here are pictures of some of the other participants picking up their awards. Congratulations to all -- those who won, those who finished the course, to all who participated! And here is Team McHugh after the race, glad that it's over and looking forward to their next challenge.
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