This Friday evening, May 15th, the Greater Woodhaven Development Corp. is holding their annual Spring Dance at the new Cordon Bleu. Live music by the doo-wop group "The Four Pops" as well as a DJ will set the tone, and there will be a deluxe all-evening buffet with libation.
We paid a visit to the offices of the Greater Woodhaven Development Corp. this afternoon to pick up our tickets, and had a great time - and we're really glad we took along our camera! The office is like a mini-museum; the walls are covered in photographs and well-earned plaques and awards - you could spend hours in there, looking over the various items on the walls. Here's just a small sample:
Maria Thomson, Executive Director of the GWDC, took me on a tour of the office. Here she is holding a photograph of one of this year's honorees at the Spring Dance, Founding Director of the GWDC, Joseph P. Schmidt (also the brother of Frederick Schmidt). Also being honored at this year's dance is Maureen Bermingham (below, right) - Maureen has been with the GWDC since the beginning. These are the folks that do the hard work that keeps Woodhaven moving forward.
As I walked around the office, I was snapping away -- because there was so many interesting things to look at. Here's one photograph of Ms. Thomson with then Mayor Rudy Giuliani upon the saving of Woodhaven's firehouse.
And here's Maria with current Mayor Mike Bloomberg. While I was there, Ms. Thomson also showed me pictures she had taken with Ed Koch and David Dinkins when they visited Woodhaven.
Here was something interesting -- did you know that Woodhaven their own flag? Well, it does -- and here it is:
There were a number of collages, such as the following - showing street fairs, and tree lighting ceremonies, going back to the 80s and 90s. It was fun, interesting stuff to look at.
While I was there, my eyes lit upon two pictures which I know many of you will enjoy seeing --
It's always nice seeing an old friend, isn't it? And that's what this Friday's dance is about - seeing old friends, and making some new ones. A great opportunity to meet your fellow Woodhavenites. Tickets for "The Greater Woodhaven Development Corporation's 30th Anniversary Dinner Dance" are $65 each and can be purchased at the Greater Woodhaven Development Corporation, located at 84-01 Jamaica Avenue (the corner of Forest Parkway, above Chase Manhattan Bank - Suite 4). Or you can call 718-805-0202 for more information.
Also being honored by the Greater Woodhaven Development Corporation this Friday:
New York State Senator Joseph Addabbo - Man of the Year
Dr. Dennis Pazos D.C. - Business Owner of the Year
We'll be on site, camera in hand, and will provide a full report. And we hope to visit the offices of the GWDC again, and speak with Maria and Maureen and Lisa and Sean - because these folks do a lot of great work for our neighborhood, and it would be cool to learn more.
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