We're in for a real treat over the next few updates, and we have The American Legion Post 118 of Woodhaven to thank for it. These pictures come from their vault and they are, to put it simply -- spectacular. We'll be covering the pictures they loaned to us over a couple of updates, this being the first is a series. Many of the pictures presented on this page had to be shrunk to fit -- in many of those cases the detail is so rich and interesting that we've also included a link to a larger version of the photo. These will bring back lots of memories -- and hopefully, some folks will know people in some of the photos and write in with additional information.
First up we have a group picture of the American Legion. The used to take great group photos in those days -- and they were full of terrific details that you just don't capture these days with digital cameras. Note: Some of these pictures were slightly worn out and we needed to do some minor retouching. We tried to restore the photos without altering the original -- click here to see the original version of the picture below as an example.
That's a wonderful picture. Judging from the photos that were surrounding it in the album, this is from the early to mid 1960s. Click here to see a slightly larger version. Please be aware that some browsers will adjust a large photo to fit your browser -- sometimes you need to click on it to see the full-size. Here's another wonderful group photo -- and I do hope some of our readers will recognize people in these pictures and write in. Click here to see the super-sized version of this picture. When you look at the picture above, keep something in mind. I'm not being cheeky, but there are a couple of folks in this picture that are in their 70s -- meaning that a number of these veterans probably served in World War 1. That's just fantastic -- the stories they could have told! Check that -- the stories they did tell. Only we'll never get to hear them. Here's a location many of you will be familiar -- Monsignor Mulz Hall. Looks like there was a basketball game waiting to begin. Click here to super-size this picture. This next picture is fantastic and I recommend that you spend some time with the super-size version (click here) and enjoy the detail. This is from a Memorial Day Parade in 1967. Many of the storefronts visible in the background in 1967 stretched back to our 1941 Tax Photos. Trupner Bros. Hardware. Bar and Grill. Forest Park Cafe. Shalin's Funeral. And lurking way, way in the background of the picture above, The Haven Theater. It's hard to make out what's playing, but I do believe "Walt Disney" is on the marquee. This next picture is from another Memorial Day, the exact year is not known -- but, again, it appears to be mid-1960s. There's Lewis' of Woodhaven in the background. And Key Food is to the right, where Scaturro's sits now. Perhaps someone can pore over the super-size version (click here) and spot a clue that can better identify the year. This next picture was in the same batch -- it's the same 6 gentlemen, so it's a good assumption that it's on the same day. By the way, these two photos had a stamp on the back saying "Please Credit Photographer Edwin B. Lott, Ozone Park - Phone - VI8-1748" Duly noted :-) By the way, that phone number is disconnected. So where is that above? If you look closely at the right -- you'll see a Drug Store. This looks like the intersection of Lefferts Boulevard and Jamaica Avenue in Richmond Hill. It looks like they are turning off Jamaica on to Lefferts on their way to Atlantic Avenue. Take a look at the super-sized version to see if you agree. Here is that intersection from Google Maps: Again, this appears to be the same Memorial Day Parade, maybe just before it started, or just after it finished. The veterans are enjoying a smoke, while the two young ballplayers from Rich-Haven smile for the camera. I wonder if these two boys are in our audience? Can anyone tell us where on the Avenue this is? Here's the super-sized version. Maybe the number on the El Train is a clue. And we finish off today's update with more of the same group -- and, again, a mystery location. The Legion Hall is across the street from P.S. 60 but that doesn't look like 60 park in the background to me. Take a look at the super-sized version if you think that'll help. Well, that wraps up the first update -- and trust me folks, there's still some real good stuff on the way. A special thanks to American Legion Post 118 for sharing these wonderful memories with us. If you have any comments, or would like to suggest other projects, drop us a line at info@projectwoodhaven.com or projectwoodhaven@aol.com Return to Project Woodhaven's Home Page