We have The American Legion Post 118 of Woodhaven to thank for these pictures -- they come from their vault and they are spectacular. Many of the pictures presented on this page had to be shrunk to fit -- in many of those cases the detail is so rich and interesting that we've also included a link to a larger version of the photo.
This first photo is dated April 1966 and was taken in Picnic Grove in Forest Park, near the Seuffert Bandshell. The date on the edge of old photographs indicate when the photos were developed, not taken. And judging by the way these folks were dressed, that makes sense -- this was early 1966. March, maybe?
Out of curiosity -- and because we had just taken a bunch of pictures in Picnic Grove -- we scanned through our pics. And I think we found a match. See that tree above that splits off? Is that the same tree as below? Keep in mind that these pictures are taken about 43 years apart... but I think it's the same one. We'll need to go back and look at all the proper angles and stuff....
Here is a picture dated June 1967 -- anyone know where it was taken?
Here is another picture taken in June 1967 -- we're gonna go out on a limb here, but this looks like Whiting Square -- see the rock at the bottom left of the picture? " . . . named for Lieutenant Clinton L. Whiting, a First Lieutenant in the 308th Infantry, who was posthumously awarded a Distinguished Service Medal for Heroism in Action on August 4, 1919 for his performance on the battlefields of World War I. While on an advance through the Argonne Forest in France between the 26th and 28th of September, 1918, Whiting was able to lead his men into a key position in a marsh covered by wire, grass, and stunted brush despite heavy enemy fire. However, Whiting paid the ultimate price for his bravery, as a machine gun bullet seriously wounded him on September 28, 1918. Whiting died from his wounds on October 23rd of that same year." Curious -- does anyone have a picture of him? Also from June 1967 -- looks close to Jamaica Avenue.... Would you like a closer look at the faces? Click here for a giant version of this picture. Here, in a picture also June 1967, is the American Legion Post 118 -- most likely taken on Memorial Day 1967. . . Here is the same building, 40+ years later, Memorial Day 2009 . . . . In the two pictures above, we see people upholding a local tradition -- look at the beautiful garden of remembrance, in 1967 and 2009 . . . I think this is pretty special . . . Here's a great shot at the corner of 90th Street -- Thom McAnn, Kligman's, Circus Bar -- and a personal favorite, Chicken Delight. Click here to see a Giant Version of the picture above! Here's another shot of the same parade, same corner. As noted in our prior report, some of these veterans were in their 60s and 70s -- meaning we have some World War I Vets walking down Jamaica Avenue here. Click here to see a Giant Version -- see if you recognize anyone! We have much more on th way, and many hooks in the water. If you have any comments, or would like to suggest other projects, drop us a line at info@projectwoodhaven.com or projectwoodhaven@aol.com Return to Project Woodhaven's Home Page