Part 2 of our Coverage of the Street Fair
So we continued walking towards the Boulevard. This tent below left was really popular. Gambling. This tent probably pulled in the most cash that day. People were pouring dollar after dollar into those machines and we saw precious little coming out.
It was hard keeping the camera lenses dry on this day. We stopped in to Dunkin' Donuts for some warm beverages and, as we explained earlier, took a train ride back to Forest Parkway. Before we move on to the train ride, here is our friend Bobby's video of the street fair - he takes great videos around Woodhaven and posts them under the handle sigit15 on YouTube. Subscribe to his videos to get notified each time a new Woodhaven video is posted!
It being too cold to walk back, we decided to take the train to Forest Parkway. We were also hoping to get some interesting shots of the fair from above. In years past, even the sidewalks were full -- not so this year. Next year -- under better weather conditions we hope -- we'd recommend driving into Richmond Hill and getting parking. Then you could take the train right into the heart of the fair. This next picture is just really cool. That facade needs a little work, but other than a little aging and rust it's beautiful. And I suppose the aging and the rust adds a bit to its' charm. Heading back to the street we found that the weather had cleared up a bit and some extra folks had decided to come out. Here's a bird's eye view of the Fair at its' height. Come on down folks, plenty of room! The food was damn good, though. We walked home with some sausage and a few hot dogs. We ran into a lot of friends. Bobby, Woodhaven's videographer, is below left holding one of the 3 million Bloomberg for Mayor buttons his paid volunteers were handing out. And below right is Sean Kershaw, aka The Coney Island Cowboy, who performed for a few hours. We have a separate report on his band coming soon. And of course, it was a day for our representatives and the candidates to make the rounds. All of them showed up (even Rudy Giuliani made an appearance, but we never got to meet him). Below, Elizabeth Crowley and Eric Ulrich stopped to say hello to Project Woodhaven. Here's a lovely friend of the site named Claire. Doesn't that hat look warm? Our new Assemblyman Mike Miller also made the rounds, saying hello to the residents. This was just a few days before his appearance at Woodhaven's Town Hall. And soon, it was time to go home, crawl under a warm blanket and chase the shivers away. Although this year's Street Fair was a washout, these young ones have many, many more street fairs ahead of them -- many, many sunny days. If you have any comments, or would like to suggest other projects, drop us a line at or
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