As you probably already know, the MTA and the city are in the midst of a massive overhaul of the transit line that runs through Woodhaven.  The J Line is getting repaired and painted.  And, as we reported a little over a month ago, they are also going to replace each and every staircase along the way.  Back in June we noted that the staircases at 95th Street and the one at 104th street were removed.  People have begun to get anxious and have started asking "When are they putting the stairs on 95th Street back?" 

We took the picture below, at left, in June -- and we took the one below right on the last day of July.

So, yeah, these pictures are RIchmond Hill -- but they serve two purposes.  First, it's an indication that the stairs at 95th Street are on their way.  Secondly, it's our first glimpse of what the new stairs are gonna look like.  Without further ado, here they are:

I like these -- I mean, it's just a staircase -- but I think they look really nice.  It'll look nicer when they're completely installed and the rest of the train line doesn't look like crud.


The brace is just temporary.  It's probably there until the glue dries :-)  Remember the old days when you would see little newstands beneath the stairs to the train?  I always thought they were so convenient and handy -- whose idea was it to get rid of them?

Well, hopefully we'll see new steps at 95th Street soon... but for now, there's some comfort in the fact that when they do arrive, they'll be nice looking. 

If you have any comments, or would like to suggest other projects, drop us a line at or .  

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