A Mardi Gras fundraiser was held at Monsignor Mulz Hall last weekend. We hadn't known about it until a few days beforehand and we're really glad we didn't miss this one. As we later found out, this has become an annual event -- this being the 6th annual Mardi Gras party.
They did a terrific job decorating the place. There were balloons and beads and trinkets all over the place -- and party hats for all. They also had this cool decoration of Bourbon Street along the walls (see the background of the photos below). As one would expect at a Mardi Gras Party, there were lots of smiles and friendly faces on display. People came ready to party! Above, left, is Tara and she was our Master of Ceremonies. There was also a DJ and a lot of dancing. There weren't many wallflowers at this event as people were on the dance floor almost the entire evening. Mulz Hall is really the perfect venue for a dance like this -- we hope this is a tradition that keeps going for many years to come. As you can see, everyone was having a great time. The festivities continued on into the night. Dinner was served around 9. Two long buffet tables with a variety of hot foods, all delicious. Here's some video of the dancing that went on:
The dinner alone made for a good bargain, but when you add in the good music and dancing and the great company, it's a steal! This is Woodhaven, folks. We hear residents say that they walk the streets of Woodhaven and that don't know anyone anymore. We used to feel the same way. But if you don't get out and get yourself involved, that's bound to happen. You look at these pictures, at the faces, and you see a lot of friendly people having a great time together. Hopefully, you're one of the faces in these pictures. But if you're not -- you should be. Off my soapbox now :-) Below, Lady Liberty poses with some attendees, including Father Tomino. And that gentleman in the green hat? More about him in a bit. Click here to see Part 2 -- lots more pictures!! If you have any comments, or would like to suggest other projects, drop us a line at info@projectwoodhaven.com or projectwoodhaven@aol.com .