Miller's Office Vandalized 

The building where Assemblyman Mike Miller has his office was tagged with graffiti last Thursday Night.  The vandal tagged the Woodhaven Boulevard office building in two spots.  Below, you can see one tag on the front of the building.  This was a brazen act done in full view of a large boulevard.  

The vandal also hit the side of the building near Miller's Office.  The damage has been painted over by the time we hit the scene, but you can still see the remnants of what was done.

We spoke with our Assemblyman late Friday.  He was understandably busy in Albany last week and his staff hadn't alerted him yet.  We spoke further with Assemblyman Miller about graffiti in Woodhaven and how best to combat it.  If you recall, we examined the graffiti issue in a recent update -- and that led to the formation of a graffiti committee, a group of residents who are joining together to fight back.  We have a small, dedicated team -- and right now they are working diligently to document all the graffiti in our community.  But we need more help -- if interested e-mail us at

Here is our conversation with Mr. Miller --

Recently, at the 102nd Precinct Community Council meeting, Captain John Hall, the Executive Officer of the 102 Pct. said the following, courtesy of the Times Newsweekly

(Hall) mentioned how his command ranks 11th in graffiti arrests, but acknowledged that there was plenty of room for improvement in that area.

"I would like to be number one, but we need input from the people. If you see something, call it in. We have a database of graffiti markings. This is a big quality-of-life issue," he told listeners.

When asked how long captured graffiti vandals would remain behind bars, Hall conceded that it’s not up to him to determine sentences, but he did advise that photo submissions of frequently seen tags helps the authorities build up a case against the recidivist perpetrators.

Well, here we have a frequently seen tag -- first seen above on Woodhaven Boulevard:

Here it is on Union Turnpike and Woodhaven Boulevard:

And on 95th Street and Jamaica Avenue:

And on 96th Street and Jamaica Avenue:

And on 98th Street and Jamaica:

And one more on the trestle on Park Lane South:

This information will be passed along to the 102nd Precinct -- and we look forward to reporting that this punk has been apprehended. 

If you have any comments, or would like to suggest other projects, drop us a line at or .  

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