UPDATE: We spotted more of these signs on 96th Street and 104th Street in Richmond Hill. If you see them anywhere else in Woodhaven, please send us an e-mail at info@woodhaven-nyc.org or call 718-296-3735.
Recently, a slew of commercial signs have gone up, nailed to telephone poles around Woodhaven. These are an eyesore -- and, as it turns out, illegal. One thing we as a community have to do is get rid of these signs as fast as possible, lest other companies get the bright idea to follow suit. These particular signs were reported between 77th and 80th Street, South of Jamaica Avenue. Take a look at a small sample -- see how ugly they look in our community --
You may have noticed we altered the signs so that the telephone number is not visible -- we don't want to give them any more free advertising than they've already gotten. At every turn, we saw another sign nailed to a pole --
None of them are too high off the ground, so no ladder will be needed to remove them. But some of them are affixed with 3 or 4 nails. Might take a couple of strong tugs to tear `em down. And for the record, it is definitely illegal. Here is the relevant code from the NYC Department of Sanitation -- looks like they tried to cover all the bases when writing the law: Posting Note: Every advertisement shall be deemed a separate violation . . . ouch! This could get costly . . . we saw around 25 signs and we probably missed a few. But let's do a rough estimate... 25 signs at $125 per sign . . . that comes out to $3,125 in fines . . . So, if you see signs in a residential area, know that they are illegal and you are within your rights to take them down. Or, if you aren't comfortable doing that, take down the information on the sign -- the name of the business advertised, their phone number, website, etc. -- and report it to the Woodhaven Residents' Block Association (E-Mail: info@woodhaven-nyc.org / Phone: 718-296-3735). The WRBA will call the offending party first and warn them that they are in violation of the law. The intent is not to routinely bust people and cause them to pay large fines. It may be that they are unaware of the law. The WRBA is doing them a favor by warning them. However, if they do not remove the signs in a prompt manner, then it gets turned over to the local City Council Member (Crowley or Ulrich, depending on where it's happening) and, most importantly, the Department of Sanitation. The city is so strapped for cash that they love violations like this -- it's easy money! Important: If the signs are in a residential area, like above, report it to the WRBA. However, if the signs are on Jamaica Avenue, like below, report it to the Greater Woodhaven Development Corporation by calling 718-805-0202. If you have any comments, or would like to suggest other projects, drop us a line at info@projectwoodhaven.com or projectwoodhaven@aol.com .
It is illegal for any person to paste, post, paint, print, nail or attach or affix by any means whatsoever any handbill, poster, notice, sign, advertisement, sticker or other printed material upon any curb, gutter, flagstone, tree, lamppost, awning post, telegraph pole, telephone pole, public utility pole, public garbage bin, bus shelter, bridge, elevated train structure, highway fence, barrel, box, parking meter, mailbox, traffic control device, traffic stanchion, traffic sign (including pole), tree box, tree pit protection device, bench, traffic barrier, hydrant or other similar public item on any street. There is a rebuttable presumption that the person whose name, telephone number, or other identifying information appears on any handbill, poster, notice, sign, advertisement, sticker, or other printed material on any item or structure is in violation. Every handbill, poster, notice, sign, advertisement, sticker, or other printed material shall be deemed a separate violation. Anyone found to have violated this provision, in addition to any penalty imposed, shall also be responsible for the cost of removal of the unauthorized postings.
S10-119, S10-121 (a-e, g)
Fine: $75 - 200 1st Offense
$150-300 2nd & Subsequent Offenses