So, on Sunday we were pleased to see how much progress they had made -- but still realized they had a long way to go. They still had to install the benches. As you can see below (Sunday) there is still a big seating area to fill.
Well, we passed through the park today (Monday) and our eyes popped out! Look at what grew overnight . . . benches! These are the nice new benches -- no more splinters -- and it looks like they are nicely spaced apart. No more sitting right on top of one another. Below you get a side view of these benches -- see how it looks like they left extra room? The view from the stage -- and over at the right, you can see by the pattern of the bricks that they are going to install those benches at a suitable angle. Here's another shot from the stage -- you can see the right hand side of the seating area -- and it looks like they might install one row closer to the stage. I hope they leave enough room -- we've seen lots of dancing there over the years. And one last shot from the stage -- they still have a long way to go -- but if they got that far in a single day, they could have all the benches done by the end of next week. Too ambitious? Well, we'll check in every few days and see how it's coming along. For now, though, if you know someone who is working at this site -- or if one of you guys check our website -- we'd like to say . . . nice work! And to our Elizabeth Crowley -- many thanks and nicely done! And a last thing . . . a pile of the old, worn bricks. I wonder how long they've been a part of the bandshell area. Let's hope they find a place for them in the nice little garden they've just built. Tens of thousands of past residents of our community walked on those stones over the past half century -- let's not just discard them. If you have any comments, or would like to suggest other projects, drop us a line at or .