Every year, American Legion Post 118 in Woodhaven celebrates Memorial Day in a special way (check out our coverage from 2009). As they do every year, the American Legion erects a "Garden of Remembrance" -- a memorial garden containing over 650 Crosses or Stars of David -- each representing a local veteran who is no longer with us.
As it was explained to us last year, the Legion members themselves used to put the garden together -- but as they grew older (and the number of crosses expanded) it became more and more difficult to continue. That's when the ROTC from Franklin K. Lane stepped up to the plate and took over this solemn duty -- and this weekend, they were out there readying the garden for next week's Memorial Day ceremony, Monday, May 31st at 11:00 AM (the corner of 89th Avenue and 91st Street).
They were up early as they first had to lift the racks down and carry them out to the front garden. With rakes in hand, they cleared away the grass from the fences so our garden would be as neat as possible. And then they began the process of putting up the crosses and the stars of David.
They do a great job, making sure the rows are neat and straight -- and then they tend to each personal memorial and attach an American Flag.
This is a remarkable garden -- and it's wonderful that Woodhaven remembers its veterans this way each and every year. Each and every cross that you see here represents a vet -- as well as a member of Woodhaven's American Legion Post.
We owe each and every one of these veterans our thanks and our respect -- and special thanks to Franklin K. Lane's ROTC for continuing this honored tradition.
The picture above (and those that follow) come to us courtesy of American Legion Post 118's Historian, Joe Virgona.
And as you can see, along with an American Flag a red poppy is attached. The red poppy is featured in the famous poem "In Flanders Field" by Lt. Col. John McCrae.
Years later, an American woman wrote a brief addition / reply to that poem . . .
We cherish too, the Poppy red
That grows on fields where valor led,
It seems to signal to the skies
That blood of heroes never dies.
By mid-afternoon, the garden was complete and ready for next week's ceremony. The garden will be up for the next 10 days or so -- if you can't make next Monday's ceremony, please make sure you pass by and pay your respects.
A special thanks from all of Woodhaven to the young folks below -- Franklin K Lane's ROTC led by Chief Master Sgt. Jose Silveira (at right).
Note: In addition to Monday's Memorial Day celebration, the American Legion Post 118 and Franklin K. Lane's ROTC will be taking part in a Memorial Day celebration on Thursday, May 27th at 6:30 PM at the memorial on Forest Parkway and Jamaica Avenue.
If you have any comments, or would like to suggest other projects, drop us a line at info@projectwoodhaven.com or projectwoodhaven@aol.com .