NYS Senator Joe Addabbo, Jr. and Assemblyman Mike Miller sponsored a free Recycling Day, the 5th in the district, this past Sunday April 15th at the Seuffert Bandshell Parking Lot in Forest Park.  The event helps residents discard tough to get rid of items and helps the environment by encouraging recycling.  NY1 was there and filed this report --and we were also there.


This was especially handy for those, like ourselves, that had a bunch of old computer monitors and television sets we couldn't get rid of?  Ever since the city changed the sanitation laws it made it difficult to get rid of certain electronics, and if you put them to the curb you could get fined.  That's a pair of old monitors below and my last computer.  They've been gathering dust and we were happy to be rid of them.

But besides electronics, this recycling event was collecting books which would be donated to the Kiwanis to be sold at future book sales.  What a bonus -- you get to clear out your basement and benefit children at the same time!  They were also collecting old eyeglasses -- they were checked and donated to someone who can use them.  

Here is our video from the event:

The guys at this event were very helpful, going to each car and unloading it, distributing the items into the proper trucks.

You could also bring papers to the event where a giant machine shredded all papers and documents before your eyes, under your supervision.  First they were dumped into a container.


Then they were shredded as you watched on a monitor.


If you missed this opportunity to discard of your unwanted electronics, Sen. Addabbo and Assemblyman Miller promised to hold another such event in September.


If you have any comments, or would like to suggest other projects, drop us a line at info@projectwoodhaven.com or projectwoodhaven@aol.com 

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Photos by Joey Wendell