With debate swirling around competing plans for the defunct Rockaway Branch rail line, the Woodhaven Residents' Block Association ensured that the people of Woodhaven had an opportunity to develop and voice an informed opinion on the matter.
On Saturday, Sept. 29, at 1 p.m., the WRBA hosted a special forum dedicated exclusively to the question of what to do with the railroad tracks, which run along 98th Street in Woodhaven. The meeting featured presentations by a speaker supporting each of the two leading proposals: returning the tracks to use for an active train line, or converting the route into a walkway and bike path dubbed The QueensWay, followed by a session where they took questions and heard the opinions of the residents in attendance.
The meeting was held at the Queens Tabernacle on 96th Street. The WRBA wishes to thank Pastor Dan Bowman for opening the doors of the Queens Tabernacle to us. We were also very happy to learn of the good work they have been doing in Woodhaven, right under our noses! We'll be bringing you more news of the good work that they do in the very near future. The seats filled quickly as people were filing into the meeting early.
After a coin flip to determine who went first, Mr. John Rozankowski took the microphone to make the case for reactivating the rail line from the Rockaways, through Woodhaven, and into Rego Park. Click here to view/print the handout that Mr. Rozankowski prepared for the meeting.
Here is the proposed area of railroad reactivation:
In Woodhaven, this would cross Atlantic Avenue, and cut through Woodhaven (crossing Jamaica Avenue and Park Lane South below) and behind the Co-Ops and Victory Field.
Here is Mr. Rozankowski's presentation:
Next up was Andrea Crawford and Travis Terry advocating on behalf of the QueensWay, which we profiled in December of 2011 when it was being called the Greenway.
Click here to view the presentation that Andrea used during her presentation.
Here is the video of Andrea's presentation:
After both presentations were complete, we opened the floor up to questions and comments to those in attendance - as you can see, the crowd grew steadily throughout the meeting. By th time the meeting was in full swing, we had people standing out in the hallway.
Residents came prepared to raise some good points and some tough questions and at times, it got a little feisty. One by one we tried to give everyone a chance to speak, but that was not possible in the time allotted. If you wish to get your opinion on record, please email the WRBA at info@woodhaven-nyc.org.
In this video, the residents engage both sides in questions, answers and debate.
The WRBA has not formulated an official position on this yet - this forum will go a long way to doing so. Please, let the WRBA and your local elected officials know how you feel. If you were not at this meeting, we hope the information above will help you decide which way to go.
If you have any comments, or would like to suggest other projects, drop us a line at info@projectwoodhaven.com or projectwoodhaven@aol.com.
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Photos by Joey Wendell