We were lucky. There's no other way to put it. Looking back at the blizzard near the end of 2010 (here and here) and the beginning of 2011 (here, here, and here again when they were filming Tower Heist at Neir's in Woodhaven) we can see just how lucky we were. We got somewhere between 9 and 11 inches which was nothing compared with areas around us. But it still made for some interesting pictures -- we're big fans of snow, trees, shadows, stairs, benches -- this update has all of that along with a pair of feisty squirrels. We start with Friday Night -- sleet turning to snow --
The snow on the steps leading into Forest Park -- it's a beautiful place to take pictures, day or night.
The morning after -- snow clings to the elevated train over Jamaica Avenue --
Love this picture -- love the way the snow rests easily atop the branches. Maybe it's the angle, but I never noticed how crooked Park Lane South was at this point -- and how it actually goes uphill. Interesting.
Benches. Shadow. Snow. Trees. Check.
Early on the day after you could see signs of melting. Still need to be extra careful on those steps.
The icicles were nasty - we saw a number of houses like this. Love the shadows of the icicles on the house. Would hate to have one of those snap off and hit my head.
This house is beautiful -- love the tree and the bush on the corner.
I like this snowman. Something elegant about him.
We stopped for a bit to watch these two squirrels chase each other. One made it to the top of the telephone pole while the other staked him out.
They circled around the pole a few times, sometimes just a few inches away from each other. They seemed pretty good natured about it, there was no menace involved.
We'll check back on them later. Park Lane South and Forest Parkway. A couple of downed trees back there -- those came down during Sandy.
A few more downed trees, nice shadows and rocks. It's such a beautiful park, every time of the year -- we're quite lucky to have it so close to us.
We didn't even attempt these steps! That would be like playing Chutes and Ladders!
The walking paths and roads through the park had been plowed -- but the wind had covered up some of it so you needed to walk carefully.
A beautiful view of Woodhaven and South Queens. The skies were so clear you could see all the way to Jamaica Bay.
The Carousel fared the storm well. Hard to believe that we're about 6 weeks away from the 2013. Won't be long before the gates are open and kids are playing and laughing.
Speaking of playing, let's check in on our squirrels. Looks like they took a little rest.
The path to Strack Pond looked harsh -- wish we had been brave enough to go down there. Don't think we'd have had too much trouble getting down to the pond. Getting back up would be a different matter :-)
One last snowy bench -- waiting for the sun to come and clear it off.
And here comes the sun -- Sunday Morning, the snow melting off the El -- almost looks like it's raining!
And before we go -- one last look at our squirrel, the one that got away!
If you have any comments, or would like to suggest other projects, drop us a line at info@projectwoodhaven.com or projectwoodhaven@aol.com.
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Photos by Joey Wendell