Woodhaven/Richmond Hill Senior Center
89-02 91st Street, Woodhaven, NY 11421
Open Monday thru Friday 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM
Lunch Served Daily at 12:00 Noon
Center services are available to all older persons. All senior participants (including senior guests) are offered the opportunity to make a voluntary contribution for meals received. Benefit & Entitlement assistance is available: Food Stamps, SCRIE, EPIC, Medicare, Medicaid, SSI, Taxes, Social Security and more. Funded by the NYC Department for the Aging.

Events & Activities - Please note that this is the basic schedule - there are always special events schduled:
- 10:00 AM Arts & Crafts with Lisa
- 10:30 AM Bingo
- 11:00 AM Exercise / Strengthen and Stretching
- 12:30 PM Book Club
- 1:00 PM Wii
- 10:00 AM Reminiscences with Cynthia
- 10:00 AM Knitting and Crocheting with Anne
- 10:30 AM Bingo (When No Tommy)
- 11:15 AM Tommy Exercise
- 2:00 PM Healthy Recipes / Cooking Tips (American Heart Association)
- 9:00 AM Poetic License Club
- 9:30 AM Stay Well Exercise with John
- 10:00 AM Humanities Program
- 11:00 AM Spanish Dancing with Vilma
- 1:00 PM Bingo
- 2:00 PM Book Club
- 9:00 AM Balance Club
- 10:00 AM Yoga with Pat
- 11:00 AM Zumba (every other week)
- 11:00 AM V.I. Humanities
- 1:00 PM Current Events
- 1:00 PM Walking Group
- 10:30 AM Line Dancing with Wen-Yan
- 12:30 PM Computer Class
- 2:00 PM Coffee Club / Discussion