Each month, at the 102nd Precinct Community Council meeting, an officer from the 102 is recognized for their contributions. This months meeting took place on Tuesday, May 19th and the officer recognized was Police Officer Doreen Nicotra. Officer Nicotra has been with the NYPD nearly 20 years, all of them serving us from the 102nd Precinct. Whereas most Cop of the Month Awardees are honored because of one specific act -- Officer Nicotra was recognized for her entire body of work at the 102. Captain Charles McEvoy spent a few minutes telling us about Officer Nicotra -- how she is well respected by her peers and supervisors -- and how she serves as a role model for the younger officers of the 102. In 2008 she ended up making the 2nd most arrests in the 102nd Precincts, and she's vying for the top spot again in 2009. Here's Captain McEvoy speaking about Officer Nicostra, and the presentation of the award:
Officer Nicotra works the overnight shift on patrol -- while we're tucked away in our beds sleeping, she's on the streets, working to keep us safe. Congratulations to Officer Doreen Nicotra for a job well done -- we deeply appreciate it. And thanks to all the members of the 102nd Precinct for the outstanding work they do -- day in, day out. The 102nd Precinct Community Council meets on the 3rd Tuesday of every month. The next meeting will be on June 16th at 8:00 PM and all are invited to attend. It is held at the Moose Hall (across the street from the 102nd) at 87-34 118th Street. Next Month's special guest is Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly. Coverage of Previous Winners: April Cop of the Month: Sgt. Mike Gargan and Officer Ken Vencak
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